Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (2024)

Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking

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What are some kitchen gadgets that are worth every penny?r/Cooking • 1Your Experience with Smart Kitchen Appliances and Gadgetsr/homeautomation • 2Chef Reviews ‘Smart’ Kitchen Gadgetsr/SortedFood • 3

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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (5)What Redditors are Saying

Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking


  • Useful kitchen gadgets: cooking thermometer, kitchen scale, garlic press, immersion blender, smart lights [1:1], [1:2], [1:3], [1:6]
  • Smart appliances: sous vide machine, smart faucet, smart dishwasher, smart air fryer [2:2], [2:3], [2:4], [4:1]

Useful Kitchen Gadgets

Several kitchen gadgets were mentioned as being worth the investment. These include a cooking thermometer for precise temperature control [1:11], a kitchen scale for accurate measurements [1:2], and a garlic press for easy garlic preparation [1:5]. An immersion blender was also recommended for blending small amounts of ingredients directly in a jar [1:6].

Smart Appliances

Smart appliances can provide added convenience in the kitchen. Some users found value in having a smart faucet for hands-free operation [2:3], while others mentioned the benefits of a smart dishwasher with notifications when cycles are finished [2:3]. A smart air fryer was also highlighted as a useful gadget for healthier cooking [4:5].

Smart Lighting

Smart lighting, such as smart bulbs or smart switches, can enhance the kitchen experience. They can be controlled through voice commands or smartphone apps, allowing for convenient lighting adjustments and creating ambiance while cooking [2:5], [3:1].

Smart Kitchen Gadgets to Avoid

Some users expressed skepticism about the value of certain smart kitchen gadgets. They questioned the need for appliances that connect to the internet and highlighted concerns about privacy, updates, and potential complications [5:2], [5:3]. Others preferred traditional methods like recipe cards and printed recipes for simplicity and ease of use in the kitchen [5:4], [5:6].

Ultimately, the choice of smart kitchen gadgets depends on personal preferences and needs. It's important to consider the functionality, convenience, and long-term value of these devices before making a purchase.

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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (29)POST SUMMARY • [1]


What are some kitchen gadgets that are worth every penny?

Posted by bmblb1111 · in r/Cooking · 2 years ago


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matts2 · 2 years ago

Kitchen scale


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Constant-Security525 · 2 years ago

This is downright crucial in my household. I now live in Central Europe and most all ingredients are always weighed in baked goods. Also, a very good kitchen scale is needed, not a cheap one. It must have the buttons for tare and different weight/measurement systems easy to access (not under the scale).


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Darwin343 · 2 years ago

Cooking thermometer. I’m terrible at cooking meat to my exact desired temperature without it


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dosequismachina · 2 years ago

This is the craziest one that I constantly find people don't have. I even still use it since becoming a far better judge with cooked meats. Will occasionally be asked to cook or just help with the process at a friend's and am amazed when they don't have it, as it's so cheap yet useful.


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ganymede62 · 2 years ago

Agreed. Especially for cooking chicken and a remote temperature monitor for turkey.


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Mr_Shakes · 2 years ago

And its cousin the garlic press. Every kitchen has room for the occasional class 2 lever!


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jjuuggaa · 2 years ago

have to disagree. Get a microplane and grate it. Also works for ginger, citrus, nutmeg, cinnamon, star anis etc

EDIT: don't like single use kitchen utensils.


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NobodysSlogan · 2 years ago

Hate garlic presses, they never work properly and i've used a wide range, same with potatoe ricers. Microplane or a 'garlic grater plate' are the best options.


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AllUrDogeRBelong2Us · 2 years ago

I use a garlic press at the table to give my baby veggies. Easier than bringing the ricer to the table.


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catlord78 · 2 years ago

My mum has a fantastic garlic press from the like 1970s it works so good.

I have bought a few in my adult life but they all have really crappy design. I want to know where to get a good one.


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CruelGobbler · 2 years ago

So space efficient. Can even get ones with a whisk attachment. I havent bought a sauce or soup since i got one


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suma_wav · 2 years ago

Sooo useful for blending small amounts of things. Rather than clean a regular blender, you can blend right in a jar. I use mine to make mayo - miles above the store-bought stuff.


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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (33)r/homeautomation • [2]


Your Experience with Smart Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets

Posted by SuperLuks_ · in r/homeautomation · 2 years ago

I'm looking to get a new kitchen at the beginning of next year. There's so much smart tech out there for the kitchen now and I was wondering what is worth getting (What's genuinely helpful, what's a nice to have, What to avoid?)


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Trouthunter65 · 2 years ago

Did a kitchen reno a few years back and really, really wanted to have a smart kitchen. Despite my wife's pleas. Started looking at dishwasher, fridge, oven appliances that had some smart home automation. I was disappointed with what I found. Wanted the Samsung fridge with view screen...and ended up buying a nice one but not the one with view screen. I also wanted a June oven but ended up with a regular gas convection. The list continues with the dishwasher, etc. What I have learned now is that software updates from the manufacturer are rare unless you want to pay for a subscription. Bottom line, stay away from smart devices that require software updates and be prepared for subscription fees. I will say that smart lighting is the best money spent. Ask those in the household what they want as well. I was surprised when my wife asked for good automated lighting and the robot vacuum to clean the kitchen each day. Good luck


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clipghost · 2 years ago

What smart lighting brands are you using? And how do you guys go about using it. Voice control? App?


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Trouthunter65 · 2 years ago

I use tp-Link switches. Not only do I use voice but also routines.


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johnestan · 2 years ago

Smart lights are most helpful. My family loves using the qi charger on an outlet above the counter. GE makes on that is an add on. Hubbell and Legrand make ones that replaces the outlet. I've been wanting to put a smart outlet on my dishwasher to get notifications when its finished. A lot of the "smart" kitchen appliances aren't that useful in my eyes. The only one I have is the U by Moen smart faucet. It's a fun, but by no means a necessity.


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SuperLuks_ · OP · 2 years ago

I have seem the Qi charger outlets in some videos. They seem really cool and I hope I can find something compareable over here in europe. The smart faucets do look cool, but for what they offer (especially those with google home functionality) they're still really expensive.


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jrshall · 2 years ago

Smart lights are handy. We have under counter lights with a routine to turn on in the evening so we can see without messing with main lights. We recently got a smart air fryer. We thought it would be nice to have a notification when it finished cooking, but the built-in beep is plenty loud enough. I ended up turning off the phone notification. If we get other small appliances, I don't think I would spend extra for smarts.


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chokapick · 2 years ago

Here are some ideas based on my setup:

- Smart light: Obvious reasons!

- Old tablet: TV and recipes (I am self-hosting with Mealie)

- Smart Speaker (Amazon Echo or Google Home): Music and timers

- Smart dishwasher, washing machine, Fridge, etc: Notification on finished cycles.

- Power consumption outlets (Zigbee, Sonoff, Shelly, etc): Know the price for each cycle, fridge consumption, etc. It can also be used to know when a cycle ends and send notifications.

- Gas, fire and flood sensors (zigbee, z-wave, etc): No explanation needed :)

- Windows/door sensor (zigbee, z-wave, etc): Notification about the fridge door.

- Occupation sensor (zigbee, z-wave, etc): Turn lights off after XX seconds if there's no occupation.


Also, with all this information, you can create scenarios.


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SuperLuks_ · OP · 2 years ago

I've never heard of Mealie, but after checking it out it seems pretty awesome! The dishwasher being smart is pretty much on the top of my priority list, seems neat to know when it's done.


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chokapick · 2 years ago

It doesn't need to be smart. With a power monitor and a simple automation, you can achieve the same end of cycle notification.


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Stresshead2501 · 2 years ago

Mealie looks cool, but I prefer AnyList personally.


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Dragangod · 2 years ago

This video might help. It showcases 11 of the coolest smart appliances and gadgets for the kitchen.


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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (37)r/SortedFood • [3]


Chef Reviews ‘Smart’ Kitchen Gadgets

Posted by laeb163 · in r/SortedFood · 5 months ago


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interfail · 5 months ago

I honestly wish I'd known about that smart hob when I bought my tabletop induction hob.


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verndogz · 5 months ago

I’ve never been so disappointed in my life seeing that steam box


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Stock_Hurry_2257 · 5 months ago

I really want to know if they actually followed the instructions. I wonder if it's more of a slow steam thing, so you take it to work and it heats your food slowly over a longer time?


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MangoFandango9423 · 5 months ago

That sounds like a food poisoning nightmare.

"We put your food in the danger zone temperatures for hours" -- big nope from me.


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verndogz · 5 months ago

If that was the intention the company needs to vastly improve the battery life. A third of the battery was already used up just to heat up the spaghetti.


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Bugsandgrubs · 5 months ago

I've got a heated lunchbox (because of seeing it in a video). It plugs into the mains or a car lighter. I've only ever used it at the mains and seriously, had to put my soup on at 10am for it to be even slightly warm at lunchtime.


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GrimCityGirl · 5 months ago

It was so terrible


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UnluckyRandomGuy · 5 months ago

I feel like this just shows how absolutely useless most "smart" items are


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Stock_Hurry_2257 · 5 months ago

Well that's not an episode to watch if you have an Amazon device in the room.


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Mega_Dragonzord · 5 months ago

Oddly my Alexa only got triggered once. And it was when told to fart….much to the delight of my 7 year old.


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avoidance_behavior · 5 months ago

i love that ebbers' immediate response was 'it's so clear you've got kids' when jamie asked it to fart. i dunno what it says about me bc i've got none but i laughed so hard during that bit.


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Bugsandgrubs · 5 months ago

My hobs packed in, never even thought of looking for something portable instead of replacing it! (Rented flat, never use the oven either because I have 4 different Ninjas 😂)

Think I'm gonna get a board made for over the hob and get one of those, or something less smart because I only use it for boiling rice, pasta or gnocchi.


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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (41)r/Cooking • [4]


Dream Kitchen Gadgets??

Posted by 100percentsas · in r/Cooking · 3 years ago

My husband and I are married on paper but are having our actual “wedding” at the end of this year (thanks covid!) We both love cooking and want our wedding registry to be almost entirely things for the kitchen. We already live together and have a decent amount of kitchen stuff, but I feel it could still be fleshed out a little more.

Any price range is fine, we are hoping to use this as an opportunity to upgrade a lot of things we still use from our college days to higher quality items.

We LOVE to try new things and dabble in baking as well as we love to try different ethnic cuisines from around the world, so really nothing is off limits!

Some gadgets we already have:

  • ice cream machine
  • immersion blender
  • air fryer
  • pressure cooker (a giant one more for canning than cooking)
  • food processor
  • crock pot

Some things we already plan on asking for:

  • a kitchen aid mixer
  • a hand mixer
  • le cruset Dutch oven
  • vacuum sealer

So: What are your favorite kitchen items?? What are things you wish you could have gotten (or get) from a wedding registry?? What are things you never would have bought yourself but got as a gift and love?? What items would you upgrade in your kitchen if you had the chance??What have you bought that you found wasn’t worth the money??


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project-lockdwn · 3 years ago

Sous vide machineElectric juicer (we use our all the time at our bar)You could ask for certain attachments for the kitchen aid mixer like the grinder or pasta maker attachments. We also got a good quality mandolin that we use quite often. Lastly a coffee maker or a good tea kettle depending on which you would use.


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lanaya01 · 3 years ago

First off, congrats on the (belated) wedding!

Given there are already plenty of solid recommendations, here's a rec that's a bit out of left field: a smart speaker. I've had one in my kitchen for the last year or so and it's made cooking so much more enjoyable. On the cooking side of things it's a lifesaver to be able to hands free set timers, ask a quick cooking search, or even call my mom to ask her for some guidance. Not strictly cooking related but I also love being able to easily listen to music while I cook now (also hands free like the other mentioned functions).

Given this is for a wedding registry it's entirely up to you if you want go for a more basic one or if you want to try to ask for one of the nicer ones complete with a display. Personally I just have a fairly no frills Google Nest Mini that I'm happy with, not really sure how often I'd make use out of a display in the kitchen.


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Verivus · 3 years ago

I have google mini speakers in every room, and my kitchen speaker is always used for timers! It's so convenient. I'll never be without one.


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wdh662 · 3 years ago

Really like this suggestion.


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Burkettb1 · 3 years ago

Some things that come to mind:

Thermapen mk4 $99 seems like a lot for a thermometer, but it is by far the most accurate, reliable and user friendly thermometer I have ever used. I don’t have one personally, but my roommate does. I would love one of my own.

A good quality clad stainless steel pan. Great for many uses and will last a lifetime if cared for properly. All Clad is a good brand, but my Tramontina 12inch serves me well. Clad stainless saucepan and stockpot are good too.

Good kitchen scale- I have an ozeri model that is very user friendly. If you get more into baking, a scale will really prove to be useful.

If you’re into making homemade pasta, a good quality pasta roller is great- I once bought a $30 model on Amazon but the rollers weren’t exactly parallel and created a huge headache. A nice model will likely cost around $100.

Mortar and pestle - I have a heavy granite version.

Microplane zester- a small and inexpensive tool, but it’s great for zesting citrus, cheeses and more.

High quality hardwood cutting board. Not a plastic or bamboo board, but one made from maple or walnut.

If you already have an immersion blender and might be getting a stand mixer, I really see no need at all for a hand mixer. The only thing I use my hand mixer for is mashed potatoes. I barely even do that anymore because I find a hand masher does a better job for my taste.

I’m sure others will have other ideas, but these are all things I love to use often.


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wijsguy · 3 years ago

Thermapen for sure. Love mine.


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cookbookcollector · 3 years ago


  • Breville Smart Oven Air - much more convenient and quic than using the full oven when you only need to make a few portions or a quick task. Also has toaster, air frying, proofing, and dehydrating functions so saves a lot of counter/cupboard space by only needing one device. Also on low it makes an excellent plate warmer. Maybe my most used device.

  • Kitchenaid - If you bake it's a must. The pasta roller attachment is also incredible.

  • Vitamix - duh. Also get an Ascent model since they support the blending cups and bowls, which let it double as a very effective spice grinder (bowls) and personal smoothie machine (cups). The cups also make for a good salad dressing container with the lid design.

  • Slicing blades for food processor - saves a ton of time when you need a ton of thinly sliced stuff, like potatoes for gratin, etc. Don't use them often but when each time I do, I save at least an hour of work. Way safer than a mandolin!

  • Sodastream - Pays for itself if you're a carbonated water / lacroix / etc junkie like I am.

  • Ice maker - I don't have AC so this is a life saver during heat waves. Most people probably don't need it.

  • Zojirushi rice cooker - Mandatory if rice is a part of your regular diet.


  • Vacuum sealer - I like the idea of it, but I almost never end up using it since it requires so much more effort than a ziploc freezer bag.

  • Mandolin - The food processor slicing blades do the same job without trying to take your fingertips as sacrifice.


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ehunke · 3 years ago

I have to say to me vaccum sealer is worth the effort for me. But that Breville! That has replaced our microwave, like yeah it might take 5 minutes to warm up a cup of water, 15 minutes to reheat leftovers but its even heating throughout...Only complaint is that the roasting timer won't go past 2 hours (I slow cook a lot) but yes that thing is the best tool in our kitchen next to maybe the instant pot


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96dpi · 3 years ago

Immersion circulator (sous vide)


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TheGoingVertical · 3 years ago

If you guys do a lot of canning (pickling specifically), consider trying sous vide for that. Crunchiest pickles/veggies you'll ever make


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omg_pwnies · 3 years ago

100% agree with sous vide. We use ours 3-4 times a week and are in love with the results. Best value, especially if one likes meat as much as I do. :D


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hippocratical · 3 years ago

$/lb the best purchase I've ever made. Sub $100 and is truly worth the hype.


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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (45)r/Cooking • [5]


How smart is your kitchen?

Posted by Famous-Perspective-3 · in r/Cooking · 5 months ago

Just being nosy. Do you use smart devices and appliances to help aid your cook? For example, do you use a smart device to convert measurements, as timers, to show recipes, keep a shopping list and more. Do you have smart appliances like stoves, air fryers, microwaves and/or others?

To answer my own question, I have a smart air fryer, microwave/convection baking combo, ice maker, and instant pot. So much easier to tell it what to do than to punch a bunch of beeping buttons. It is great to add to the shopping list after using the last ingredient, and to use multiple timers at the same time. I also use an echo show for recipes.


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EvilDonald44 · 5 months ago

I don't have a single smart appliance. I don't see a reason to start a dishwasher from across town or have to futz with my phone to set the oven to 325 degrees instead of simply turning the knob. Don't want to pay extra for the capability, don't want them begging for wi-fi, don't want them to have the capability of phoning home, don't want them bricked by a firmware update.

I remember using chromecast on my TV and thinking that my phone made for a supremely awkward remote control, and that plugging an HDMI cable into an old laptop was far better. I don't want to have to do that in my kitchen.


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jackalope78 · 5 months ago

I do not need kitchen appliances that connect to the internet. Give me dumb electronics that do their job and do it well without any bells and whistles and the need to set it up and connect it to my phone or other appliance. I don't find that more convenient.


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Funkyokra · 5 months ago

I'm sick of every damn thing I do requiring its own app, why do I want one for my toaster and my fridge too?


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Lonecoon · 5 months ago

Not in the least. All my appliances are stupid. The arrangement of my kitchen is stupid. I'm stupid.

The most high tech thing in my kitchen are the digital thermometers and the scale. If I want a recipe from the internet I'll print it off, and if it works, it goes in THE BINDER.


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anaestaaqui · 5 months ago

I’m almost there, currently it is a notebook where I have printed recipes and hand copied recipes from online. I just can’t deal with needing to touch a screen and getting it dirty while cooking, scrolling, pop ups, arrgg. Stand over paper and I can read it no touching needed.


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Substantial-Gap5967 · 5 months ago

I get tired of my screen timing out, or having to fight ads that cover 2/3 of the screen so I only see the middle third. I write it out on my recipe cards and simplify the directions. Now the cupboard for above where I cook is covered in taped-up recipes! 😆


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LtSorrel · 5 months ago

i have a foolscap book filled with recipes i've found and edited about 100 times (im always trying to tweak dishes to be better)


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IngoPixelSkin · 5 months ago

A binder??? I literally have a stack of loose paper jammed between cookbooks.


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TurquoisySunflower · 5 months ago

I will die using recipe cards in my recipe box!


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svel · 5 months ago

work in IT, so I have zero (or as close to zero) IoT/smart anything in the house. Anything that even has this potential, has it either disabled or never used.


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MikeOKurias · 5 months ago

Technically my scale has a Bluetooth app so I can read weights and tare if I have too big of a bowl on it.

I guess I need bigger bowls.


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APSteel · 5 months ago

Do you use any smart devices in your kitchen.


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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (49)r/Appliances • [6]


What is the most reliable/least stressful brand of kitchen appliances? 😩any insider knowledge?

Posted by DogObsessed6000love · in r/Appliances · 10 months ago

Hello :)

We are a young couple who decided to replace our decades old appliances that came with our old place. Naively we went with Samsung appliances (fridge, dishwasher, stove). Luckily we got it though Costco.

We have had the appliances couple of months and non stop issues with the fridge. It came slightly damaged. After multiple frustrating phone calls with Samsung they weren’t much help. Costco offered a discount. We took the discount since it was just cosmetic.

We got a Samsung bespoke fridge with a water pitcher. We thought it would be great to encourage us to drink more water. PROBLEM IS IT DOESNT WORK. It fills up 1/4 of the way only. After countless back and forth again Samsung is useless. They won’t even bother to send a repair person to take a look.

Costco has offered exchange - we can buy another brand and pay the difference etc

I have no issues with the Samsung stove. The dishwasher honestly seems a bit cheap (some parts are already bent)

We want to replace all 3 appliances and get things that are matching somewhat.

Any advice on the brand? We have a flexible budget - at this point we just want appliances that are reliable. Is LG the best option?

Thank you in advance 🙏


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HypersonicHobo · 10 months ago

I'd like to throw in the kitchen aid dishwasher. Thing is fantastic and their innovation with the third rack is genius.

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CamelHairy · 10 months ago

Watch these 3 videos:

Stoves -


Washer and Dryer -*ktG-hGWDps

I also prefer the local independent appliance dealer over a big box store. They can better move your away from problem brands and brands that are hard to get parts for.Most will price match and offer financing if needed.


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2Loves2loves · 10 months ago


ben's appliances and junk


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[deleted] · 10 months ago

Yes, this guy. I watch his vids before purchasing any of my new appliances.


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Deltaecho99 · 10 months ago

Stay far away from lg and Samsung. Middle of the road budget whirlpool, kitchenaid, maytag


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DaveWpgC · 10 months ago

The house we bought has a Miele refrigerator, washer & dryer and dishwasher. They are all far better than any appliance I've had in the past. The washer/dryer are smaller than some but they are stackable so that is probably why. But the quality of all is pretty amazing. Only had them 2 years and they were purchased 5 years before we moved in so they're in year 8 now.


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Capital_Charge_7127 · 10 months ago

All of this and definitely stay away from LG fridges


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Raz1979 · 10 months ago

Watch some YouTube videos by appliance repair guys/gals.

For fridges stay away from Samsung and LG and most fridges suck. Avoid one’s w ice boxes in the fridge. Better to have ice coming from the freezer. And having ones w a water line suck too but most do.

LG is actually decent for washing machines and dryers (dryers are usually just get the matching one)

Bosch for dishwashers.


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Grouchy-Swordfish811 · 10 months ago

And try even finding factory service in most areas for Samsung refrigerators.


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Sloenich · 10 months ago

Anything but Samsung.


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mr_nobody398457 · 10 months ago

Bosch dishwasher has been great for over 10 years. I got the Kenmore washer (front loading) and dryer maybe 15 years ago, also very good. My fridge is 20 years old Jenair, which is a high end Whirlpool.

The problem with all of these recommendations is we are telling you what you should have bought 20 years ago. These brands might be crap today.

You need to look at you will have to join and pay something but it will be worth it (they do not accept advertising at all)


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zeromussc · 10 months ago

LG stoves have very high consumer report rating surprisingly. Not so much fridges and dishwashers is my understanding


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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (53)r/smarthome • [7]


Has anyone checked out these smart kitchen appliances or looking to buy them? I'm looking to expand my smart home into the kitchen... Thermomix TM6 & Brava Oven

Posted by TheStriker995 · in r/smarthome · 3 years ago

Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (54)


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Bits-Please · 3 years ago

I have TM6. It's cool. When I am lazy, and I usualy am, it is great. It has a lot of different recipes which are translated constantly from German. I guess all recipes are created for DE market and then to every other one. (Un)fortunately it is not that smart device and it never will be due to the fact that you must add indigrients constantly during whole cooking process. Step by step. It's not a appliance where you throw all sh*t in and call it a day :P It requires some effort :D


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CarlCarlton · 3 years ago

> I just wish he explained what this thing actually does better.

It's a food processor with a built-in heating element. You can chop sh*t up and cook it all in one go.


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0liverKr · 3 years ago

I personally use the TM6, i use it nearly everyday. Is it a must have no, does it make your life easier yes, especially with everything that is not solid and huge like soups, sauces, risotto, curry, mashed potatoes. All are easy and very repeatable. Can't fry anything because of the shape and the low maximum heat of around 160C°. If u want to fry or go as high as 200C° look into the Bosch cook it. But the TM6 has a way bigger cookbook and it feels like u can cook 1000 different meals with it. It is not very smart I think. U still need to put everything in it or put the speed to the right setting. If u have further questions feel free to ask.


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mldkfa · 3 years ago

So I’ve never had a thermomix, and they’re not very common here. However, my Indian friends all seem to have them. What exactly do they do and why should I get one? Explain the mashed potatoes too please.


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0liverKr · 3 years ago

Sry that i am answering so late. It was 2 a.m in Austria.So for a disclosure I wouldn't buy the TM6 for myself and we got it as a housewarming gift from both of our families. It is just very expensive in Austria around 1450€. And it only can cook 1 thing at a time. If you make mashed potatoes u need something to go with it. If u make curry u will still need to make rice. Also the cooking pot is on the smaller side. For the two of us it is perfect (i eat a lot of food). So i think a family of 3 (parents + 1 kid) could use it very efficiently. Above 4 it will get very complicated. I know some lawyer who are having 5 boys in puberty and have 3 TM6 in the kitchen, because none of them wants to cook.

Risotto which needs to get stirred constantly is a brease.I personally would never make mashed potatoes by hand. But with the TM6 it is as easy as putting them in with milk and turn 2 dials and in 45 minutes u have the best and hottest mashed potatoes in the world.Also it can be very good for baking if u are not that ambitious about it. Because if u are u still would need a kitchenaid/Kennwood. Just because both of these are more flexible in the realm of baking. Also it depends what you are regularly eating, because our eating habits didn't changed, but we thought that a 1450€ kitchen gadget would do this.On a Saturday morning we still need the Kenwood for pancakes, a pan for ham and eggs, a boiling pot of water for eggs. All things a TM6 can't do or is more complicated than the standard method.Also if u are cooking a big dinner u will probably need 2-4 pots from the TM6 when u don't want to wash them by hand all the time, also maybe u need different pots for different things, we got one special pot and cover just for garlic and onions because the pot will smell a little bit like it forever. If u don't wash it in an instant. Which u don't want to do, because u are lazy and just paid 1450€ for something which needs so much attention.

Also look at some virtual cooking, but also remember they are trying to sell u something for 1450€ so it must be the best damn thing in the world for them.Everything u can do with a TM6 it is very likely u can do already at home or for cheaper. So if these 1450€ hurt u don't buy it.


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WestCoastCuisine · 3 years ago

Hey u/mldkfa, if you DM me I can get you in contact with a local consultant who can do a free virtual cooking experience to introduce you to the world of Thermomix!

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WestCoastCuisine · 3 years ago

I'm a Thermomix Consultant in Canada. Thermomix is a 22-in-one smart kitchen appliance, almost like having a sous chef in the kitchen with you! And the best part is that it has Cookidoo built right into the 6.8" touch screen. Cookidoo has over 50,000 guided recipes from cuisines all over the world.If anyone is interested in learning more or participating in a virtual cooking experience, DM me.If your located in Canada I can offer you free shipping ($69 savings) otherwise I can direct you to a US Consultant.


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tomtom792 · 3 years ago

If you can read past the typical Thermomix corporate talk they're actually really good. Got one myself and the automation of it and the range of recipes is so good


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WestCoastCuisine · 3 years ago

Thermomix can mix, stir, grate, weigh, chop, puree, crush, blend, steam, emulsify, caramelise, knead, grind, sauté, cook, stew, braise, mince, whip, mill, and much more. �� Laundry listing the features does not do this appliance justice - you've got to see it in action!


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airblue23 · 3 years ago

I gather that Thermomix is a huge deal in Germany. My MIL & SIL love theirs and when I mentioned I bought some other kitchen appliance at work once (not to complain, just saying we use our blender a lot), even guys at work said “you should have gotten a Thermomix.” I’ve even seen investigative reporter style segments on German TV where they are comparing Thermomix to cheaper copycats (Thermomix is determined to be expensive, but the best in wach category).


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cookestudios · 3 years ago

I have the Brava; it’s pretty great, and they continually update it.


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[deleted] · 10 months ago

do you still use it ?


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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (58)r/SortedFood • [8]


Chef Reviews Kitchen Gadgets ft. Poppy Cooks

Posted by Pastry_Ell · in r/SortedFood · 2 years ago


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Timeline15 · 2 years ago

I love that guests always roast them for the lack of running water xD.


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[deleted] · 2 years ago

I know it'd be a nightmare getting plumbing and drainage into the middle of the studio... but as a cooking channel they really need a working sink.


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BoopingBurrito · 2 years ago

They can't do any plumbing like that, they don't own the studio, they only rent it. So they're very limited in what they can do.


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Svorky · 2 years ago

There's portable/contained sinks that don't need to be connected to actual plumbing. You just have two tanks - one for fresh and one for waste water - and a heater underneath.

Don't really know why they didn't splurge for that. Maybe they just like the running joke by now.


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Haggard4Life · 2 years ago

I don't think they need to fill another permanent chef spot but I'd like Poppy to be a regular recurring guest chef. She delightful!

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scotland1112 · 2 years ago

Today is the first gadget video I've enjoyed in a while (and there's been a lot of them).

They felt affordable, things everyone could use, things that could make some everyday things a little more interesting etc.

Although they butchered how to use the aeropress but I guess you wouldn't know that without being part of the community ;)


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BoopingBurrito · 2 years ago

I think a lot of it is because she has a very strong personality, that is definitely designed for tiktok - short vids so everything needs to be done big. That grates on some people.

And also the loud and repeated calls to have her replace James annoy a lot of people and cause some backlash.


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BoopingBurrito · 2 years ago

It was me that made that comment, and I completely agree with you. She's not a bad guest for them to have on occasionally (though I'd prefer fewer guest videos and more of just the guys), but she's definitely not a replacement for James.


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GrimCityGirl · 2 years ago

I get disliking having too many guests but I’ve seen more negative responses to her than to others (unless theres other problematic reasons like Uncle Rogers) so it seems weirdly pointed. I don’t necessarily think she should “replace” James, but I’d have no issue with her being a regular guest, shes funny, fits in really well with the guys and is fairly ‘current’ so could drive a newer audience. I don’t really see the problem.


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scotland1112 · 2 years ago

It's well known in the aeropress community that the instructions are garbage.

Either you need to insert the plunger after stirring to stop coffee dripping out early or use the inverted method.


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poop_dawg · 2 years ago

Maybe we don't have to "replace" James. I think that's an impossible task. I love Poppy because she's a woman, she's skilled, she's tuned into trends, she's innovative, and she rips on the guys. No one can replace James, but Poppy is f-ing awesome and hilarious. James is still going to come back every once in a while.


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DoverKarenJ · 2 years ago

I think it's a lot of fun when she visits the kitchen. She's smart and knowledgeable and clearly great at what she does, but she's got a completely different dynamic and personality than the chefs the guys are used to working with onscreen.

Considering she's joining a bunch of guys that have been friends for most of their lives, I think she's slotted in pretty naturally the times she's been around. I don't think she needs to be the fifth host or anything because she's got her own thing going, but I'd love to see her visit regularly, and she's a solid fill-in for when Ebbers is out of town.


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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (62)r/homeassistant • [9]


Smart kitchen?

Posted by tomboo91 · in r/homeassistant · 2 years ago

We get a new kitchen, and i get to choice the electronics. :)

Any suggestions for some propper automatisation stuff i can do around there? (Because we want, not because of need)


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nickm_27 · 2 years ago

We have really loved having under cabinet lighting as it’s easy to leave on without being too bright but also makes it easy to see


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d4nm3d · 2 years ago

This is the only automation i have in the kitchen and it's honestly a money saver (as the kids don't turn on the lights and leave them on).

Simple LED strip under the cabinets and a motion sensor pointing towards the door..(but not the doorway.. don't need it being set off when someone walks past.. just in to the room)

Automation to detect the motion (about an hour before the sun sets and before 2am) and then a 10 minute wait time to turn them off again.

Otherwise i just have power monitoring plugs on the washer, dryer and dishwasher so i can moan about how much it's costing us to keep crap clean and dry..


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yama1291 · 2 years ago

I don’t like overcrowding the kitchen with electronics.

In my own there is a smart display and some smart plugs on appliances so I can set up notifications by monitoring power consumption.

Well and a few hidden NFC tags to track chores because I would just forget to put the trash out in time otherwise :)


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moosehead71 · 2 years ago

I've seen a few people putting a lot of work into detecting power use to estimate the progress of the dishwasher, etc, but personally I don't see the point.

Pretty much everything in the kitchen needs something physical done to it to complete a job. Until Home Assistant can fill the dishwasher, or hang up the clean washing when the cycle is done, I think kitchen automation is just a novelty.

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yama1291 · 2 years ago

The main reason I am tracking when my dishwasher is done is so I can get to it before it cools down. Letting it steam off with the door open helps the dishes dry faster.

At least on the one I have. The difference is night and day for water stains etc.


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angrycatmeowmeow · 2 years ago

I have a Samsung smart fridge and honestly it's just a novelty. I never use the smart functions. It shows power usage in HA and I can see if the doors open but aside from that it's just a regular fridge. You can save a ton by putting door sensors and a smart plug on a regular fridge like I've done in the garage. IMO buy a quality fridge that will last and skip the flashy screen.

I'd do WLED under the cabinets and a smart display.


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Coffeinated · 2 years ago

Even the door sensors are moot with newer fridges, they all beep when left open.


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clin248 · 2 years ago

I solder a tasmota relay to the monetary switch for the kitchen hood and use stove power and pm2.5 level as trigger. It generally works well. I only did this as we often forget to turn on hood when we are cooking. I suppose for most people this may be redundant as you would be very close to the hood.


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dshafik · 2 years ago

My GE Profile oven (this one) integrates OK with HA using SmartHQ integration. There are several brands that support the same platform, GE, GE Profile and Cafe all being GE brands, but some others too. I can control my oven, and get the status of the stovetop.

For the fridge/freezer, I have an LG (this one), using the ThinQ integration. It's OK, I find my Aqara contact sensors quicker to report open/close state than the ThinQ integration, but I can review/control the temps and turn on the extra ice feature. I have ThinQ washer/dryer too that integrate OK, but my LG microwave (this one) isn't ThinQ compatible (why would it be, TBH) but it's garbage and I mostly mention it just to say I would not recommend it as a matching appliance.

For dishwasher, I have a Fisher & Paykel, drawer-style dishwasher (this one). Seriously a game changer. They are launching SmartHQ compatible washers soon apparently. I would still buy this every time even if it weren't smart.


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grahamthegoldfish · 2 years ago

Oh I have an LG ThinQ fridge freezer but I couldnt find an integration in home assistant. How did you get it working?


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dshafik · 2 years ago

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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (66)r/declutter • [10]


What to do with aspirational clutter?

Posted by lavendergaia · in r/declutter · 3 years ago

I'm not a good cook or really enjoy it much. I've always wanted to be a better cook to save money, eat healthier, all that good stuff. This has ended up with me being a kitchen gadget person. I have a stand mixer, large blender/food processor, small travel blender, instant pot, crockpot, etc etc. Even a dehydrator! Most of this stuff is stored out of the way and I haven't used it in forever. Part of me wants to do a big purge but I second guess myself. What if I finally want to meal prep with the crockpot? What if my fiance wants to make margaritas in the blender like he did one time? I'm never going to find a food stand mixer that cheap again ($20 at thrift!). I can't help but think I'm giving up opportunities by getting rid of things. How do I get over myself?


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randapandable · 3 years ago

I feel like I just read something about this recently. I remember the advice was using that appliance for 10 days straight. You'll either master it, and use it regularly, or you'll realize a couple days in that you dread using it.

You could also start with getting rid of the redundant appliances. Get rid of anything that another appliance does just as well. For example, I had a blender, but my food processor also has a blade attachment that effectively did the same thing as a blender. So, I got rid of the blender since the food processor can do more like shred cheese and chop veggies. I'm fairly certain that Instant Pots have a slow cooker setting, so you could get rid of that Crock Pot and just use the Instant Pot when it calls for a slow cooker. This could also have the effect of clearing up space and making your appliances more easily accessible, making you more likely to use them regularly.

My last piece of advice would just be to practice your cooking skills. Especially knife skills. You eliminate the need for single-purpose kitchen gadgets when you can prep food yourself just as fast.


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Vertigote · 3 years ago

So this. Improved knife skills never let me down unlike most kitchen gadgets.

I really love my kitchen appliances though. Not going to lie. Stand mixer, crock pot. The food dehydrator isn't necessary and I'll use the oven ti dehydrate the occasional fruit in winter since the warmth is nice but most of my dehydrating is in summer and I don't want to heat up the house.. immersion blender was such a joy when I finally got one too..

I love the 10 day advice though. Some tools took a learning period for me and using them consistently for a few weeks meant I didn't hesitate to grab them in the future.


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pisspot718 · 3 years ago

In regard to the Crock Pot v. Instapot, OP should decide if she likes the idea of a meal that could take hours (or overnight) to cook, or does she like it better when her meals are 30 minutes or less. With the stand mixer I would keep it. They aren't cheap to replace and are very useful.


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ImprovedMeyerLemon · 3 years ago

  • will the eventual use of the item justify the stress of keeping it? In your case, if you make a margarita with the blender next month will it suddenly make the months of keeping it around worth it?
  • If you got rid of it and regretted it at some point in the future, would it be easy to replace?
  • what's stopping you from using these items? Will that change in the short term? If there's no sign of circ*mstances changing, then you know you won't use it soon.


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PoweredByCoffee1998 · 3 years ago


Also ask yourself if you could make the same dishes using other items that you own.


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kuckbaby · 3 years ago

Yea. Right off the top get rid of the personal blender, you have a big one. Then, if the instant pot has slow cooker features, get rid of the crock pot.


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kbrsuperstar · 3 years ago

Pick one gadget to use each week then reassess at that point whether you think you'll use it again. Don't put too much pressure on yourself about it, just pick a recipe that you think you can easily make, use the thing then decide.

For me, I took out the George Foreman grill I had and made a grilled cheese in it. It was okay but making a grilled cheese on the stove tasted better and was easier to clean so out it went. However, my belgian waffle maker (which I tried once when I got it then put it on a shelf for literally years) was actually just that I didn't really know how to use it but after making waffles a couple times, it's great.


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tarheelnurse · 3 years ago

I was going to suggest a similar idea! Try to use (& clean) the things before deciding if you want to get rid of them. Everyone will have their own opinions about what you should keep or discard, so you need to figure out which items you enjoy using.

A few years back we invested in a super expensive blender after I burnt out the motor of a mid-range blender. I hate the expensive blender, my husband loves it. I personally don't think it works as well as the one I burnt out and I loathe that I can't take it apart and out the pieces in the dishwasher. I used to constantly use the blender but now I rarely use it. So I purchased a personal size blender and love it. People probably think it's ridiculous to have a nice blender and then go buy a cheap personal size blender, but I love this little thing. I use it daily! It works well and I can put the pieces in the dishwasher! So we have the nice brand-name blender for my husband (who uses it once in a blue moon but loves it when he uses it), and a cheap small thing for me. Different strokes for different folks.


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Rosaluxlux · 3 years ago

My partner and i have those problem - we both cook a lot and prefer different tools so we have "doubles" of lots of things. But it's okay, as long as neither of us runs out of cupboard space


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betwinmum · 3 years ago

This is very interesting. How do you organise your things, do you keep kitchen gadgets in the kitchen or do you have a specific area for storing items you don't use regularly, but want to keep? My son has ADHD and I'm trying to figure out the best way to deal with everything he owns.


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istara · 3 years ago

We did this with a Nutribullet I bought, mainly to make banana ice-cream. Only it was absolutely bloody useless for that, it didn't work at all. Stuff just got stuck and it would jam the lid for ages.

I was going to get rid of it but I suggested my partner try it for smoothies/protein shakes, which he had been making just in a regular cup. Now he buys pre-frozen fruit and makes amazing smoothies. He uses it nearly daily. So that one was worth it.

I do find that I don't use my larger Le Creuset pots that often, but they're something I feel is worth keeping. Eg I'll go through phases of using one multiple times weekly to make No Knead bread or it will be winter and I'll go on a tagine kick, and then it's in the cupboard for months. But I don't consider them clutter. It doesn't stress me out that they're quietly sitting in the cupboard.

Whereas some crappy older pans did stress me out, so I got rid of them.

The same with round fluted flan tins. They always stressed me out because I hate the fact that pre-made pastry in Australia is always square and never fits. (In France you can buy wonderful pre-rolled round pastry). Then I figured the square pastry is the perfect size for my brownie tin, and what's wrong with a square quiche? So now I use that instead and the flan tins are gone.


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definitely_not_lynn · 3 years ago

My Pinterest self is making all the things. Amigurumi, homemade baked goods, refinishing furniture...all that. And she has nice hair, a coordinated wardrobe, and her nails done, and she works out.

Me on the other hand, I work a demanding job and have a big family. I cook from scratch a couple times a week. Once in a blue moon I'll start a craft project when I'm in the mood. My workout is chasing the kids, my hair gets washed semi-regularly, which I'm proud of, I never wear makeup, I live in leggings and t-shirts I've owned for years, and again, I make sure underneath my fingernails is clean and paint my toenails when I have time.

I do have some clutter from Pinterest me but I've been trying to be a realist about it.


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Best smart appliances for a modern kitchentop smart home devices 2023best energy-efficient kitchen appliances

AI Answer


smart kitchen gadgets for cooking

Here are some key considerations for smart kitchen gadgets for cooking:

  1. Connectivity and Compatibility: Ensure that the smart kitchen gadgets you choose are compatible with your existing devices and home automation systems. Look for gadgets that offer seamless integration with popular platforms like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.

  2. Functionality and Versatility: Consider the specific cooking tasks you want to simplify or enhance. Look for gadgets that offer a range of functionalities such as precise temperature control, recipe guidance, or automated cooking processes.

  3. Ease of Use: Choose gadgets with intuitive interfaces and user-friendly controls. Look for devices that offer mobile apps or voice control options for convenient operation.

  4. Quality and Durability: Check reviews and ratings to ensure the gadgets you choose are well-built and durable. Look for reputable brands known for producing reliable and long-lasting products.

  5. Safety Features: Prioritize gadgets with built-in safety features like automatic shut-off, overheat protection, or child lock mechanisms to ensure a safe cooking experience.

Recommendation: One popular smart kitchen gadget for cooking is the Instant Pot Smart WiFi. It combines the functionality of a pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, and more, with the added convenience of WiFi connectivity. The Instant Pot Smart WiFi allows you to control and monitor your cooking remotely through a mobile app, and it offers a wide range of pre-programmed recipes for easy cooking. Additionally, it has built-in safety features and is compatible with popular voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

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Smart Kitchen Gadgets for Cooking (2024)


What smart devices could you use in a kitchen? ›

Our Top Tested Picks
  • Best Smart Oven. Anova Precision Oven. ...
  • Best Companion Meal Kits. Tovala Smart Oven. ...
  • Best for Sous Vide Cooking. Anova Precision Cooker. ...
  • Best Smart Air Fryer. Cosori Smart 5.8-Quart Air Fryer. ...
  • Best Nugget Ice Maker. ...
  • Best Indoor Herb Garden. ...
  • Best Smart Pressure Cooker. ...
  • Best Smart Thermometer.

What are smart kitchen devices? ›

A smart kitchen is defined as an area composed of kitchen equipment that is connected via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. The equipment found in smart kitchens connects to other tech such as your phone or tablet, allowing you to control appliances remotely.

What types of kitchen appliances and gadgets do you think will be useful in the future? ›

Here are some of the top tech gadgets making their way to our cookery in the near future.
  • Palate Home Smart Grill. ...
  • Pantelligent Smart Frying Pan. ...
  • Drop Connected Kitchen Scale. ...
  • LivBlends Smoothie Maker. ...
  • Prep Pad from the Orange Chef. ...
  • HAPIfork. ...
  • Siemens Connected Coffee Maker. ...
  • LG's Smart Oven.
Jan 14, 2015

What is the purpose of kitchen gadgets? ›

A kitchen gadget may be a specialized artifact used for the preparation of a single kind of dish or for performing one specific function across a variety of dishes.

What is the most efficient cooking device? ›

Considering their performance in the kitchen and energy consumption, slow cookers emerge as the most cost-effective and energy-efficient cooking appliance, particularly for extended periods of time. Air fryers follow closely, offering quick and healthy meals with less energy compared to traditional ovens.

How much does a smart kitchen cost? ›

Smart Kitchens for Every Budget
Smart ApplianceCost Range (USD)
Smart Oven$1,000 to $4,500+
Smart Dishwasher$500 to $2,000+
Smart Coffee Maker$100 to $300+
Smart Cooktop/Range$700 to $4,000+
6 more rows

What are kitchen gadgets called? ›

A cooking utensil is a utensil for cooking. Utensils may be categorized by use with terms derived from the word "ware": kitchenware, wares for the kitchen; ovenware and bakeware, kitchen utensils that are for use inside ovens and for baking; cookware, merchandise used for cooking; and so forth.

What are some examples of smart appliances? ›

Top Smart Kitchen Appliances Checklist
  • Smart Refrigerators with Touch-Screen. ...
  • Ovens with Hands-on Control. ...
  • Automatic Coffee Maker. ...
  • WiFi Slow Cooker. ...
  • Qualified Water Filters. ...
  • Efficient Dishwasher. ...
  • Digital Air Fryer. ...
  • Do-It-All Blender.

What kitchen tool is the most useful? ›

If you frequently cook meals from scratch, investing in high-quality knives, a durable cutting board and versatile cookware is essential. For those who enjoy baking, prioritize tools like a stand mixer, measuring cups and baking sheets.

What will be the future of cooking? ›

The intersection of technology and food leads us toward a future where culinary experiences are more efficient, personalized, and environmentally friendly. Innovations like vertical farming, 3D food printing, smart packaging, and AI in food production are just the beginning.

How to make a kitchen smart? ›

Motion sensor lights are great as task lights under a cabinet. Used along the bottom of lower cabinet, they make dark kitchens safer to navigate at night. In pantries, a motion sensor light will let you quickly find ingredients and more. Motion sensor lights are a smart and easy way to save time, energy and work.

What is a smart kitchen device? ›

Smart kitchen appliances work by connecting to your home Wi-Fi network and communicating with your smart kitchen hub. Once your smart appliances are connected, you can control them via an app on your smartphone or through voice commands.

Why do we need smart kitchen? ›

A smart kitchen is an advanced and integrated cooking space that uses smart devices, IoT appliances, web connectivity, and state-of-the-art tech to improve efficiency, convenience, and the overall user experience.

Why kitchen tools and equipment are important in cooking? ›

Why is it important to use the correct tools and equipment when cooking? The answer is simple: it makes the cooking process more efficient and safer. Without these tools, cooking meals can be frustrating and tiring. Make sure you invest in the basic tools and equipment first, such as a meat thermometer.

How can I do smart work in my kitchen? ›

One essential tip is to always read the entire recipe before starting, ensuring you understand each step and have all the necessary ingredients and tools. To save time and reduce stress, practice mise en place—preparing and organizing ingredients before cooking begins.

What are some technologies we use in the kitchen? ›

Smart Technology in the Kitchen: 5 Must-Have Tools
  • Voice assistant. Voice-controlled devices have become increasingly popular over the past few years - and with good reason. ...
  • Smart dishwasher. ...
  • Interactive fridge-freezer. ...
  • Voice-controlled lighting. ...
  • Automated washing machine.


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Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.