I 32-La Crosse Tribune, Tuesday, July 26, 1983 Trib Classified Call 782-0060 Menday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Recreational Vehicles 120 1981 TRAVELCRAFT wide body motor home. Must see to appreciate at 1 1835 Nakomis Ave. MOTORHOMES FOR RENT Sleep up to 6.
Pischke Motors, West Salem, 786-1150. SPRING SERVICE Truck, Camper, Trailer, Auto FREE ESTIMATES We make, repair, beef up or replace leaf springs, large or small. bolts made while you wait. DeBAUCHE TRUCK DIESEL 782-1440 newer motor home. Air, cruise and WANTED TO BUY: USED 1978 or clean.
(608) 629-5687. Cash! YOUR RV battery headquarters. and types to choose from. BATTERY MART, across from Norplex, 782-3715. Tr ickups 125 '69 Chevy gas tandem, new short block; '69 Chev tandem, 12 yard, 526-3345, 526-3623.
'72 CHEVY Blazer with lockouts. $1000 or best offer. 783-7163. '75 FORD Ranger New tires. 302 V-8.
3-speed. Insulated topper. 50,000. Like new. 1st $1875.
784-5225. '76 DODGE pickup and topper, 54,000 miles, 440 engine, trailer hitch and wiring: '81 Ford Ranger F150, 16,000 miles, 4-speed overdrive and topper; '79 Chevrolet, 4- wheel drive pickup, 22,000 miles; '75 Dodge Maxi Van conversion; '78 Dodge Diplomat station wagon, 000 miles, air, cruise control. All these vehicles in excellent condition. 783-6631. '77 DODGE B200 custom camper van.
43,000 miles, loaded, many options, asking $5700. Call 788-9264 7-9 mornings or after 5 evenings. '78 BRONCO 4x4, V-8, 4-speed, 36,000 miles, excellent condition, $5,000. 788-5013. 178 FORD 6-cylinder automatic.
Power steering. No rust. $2900 or best offer. 782-4391. '81 Datsun 'Lil Hustler.
Excellent. New radials. Topper, cassette, Jensen stereo. 784-7104. 1966.
FORD pickup. V-8, automatic transmission. $500. Call 784-7975. 1972 DODGE pickup.
4-speed, 318 V-8, topper. Good running condition. Call 788-7153. 1973 FORD pickup. $875.
New paint, clutch, upholstery, etc. Call 784-1491, 814 St. Andrew St. 1974 CHEVY 350, automatic, 41,000 miles, $900. 608-582-4032.
1975 GMC JIMMY 4X4. Silver and black. Excellent mechanical condition. No rust. Call between 6 and 7 p.m.
or after 9:30 p.m., 895-2048. 1976 CHEVROLET Blazer Cheyenne with Meyers snowplow. Call Dennis at La Crescent State Bank, 895-4486, p.m. weekdays. 1976 FORD Van.
automatic, 6-cylinder, $1600. 482-6889 or 784-3491. 1976 GMC 4x4 pickup. Price negotiable. 788-0856.
1976 INTERNATIONAL COE, 318 Detroit, 13-speed. Recent major, good condition. Must sell, make offer. Call Black River Falls, 715- 284-9431 or 284-2192, ask for John. 1977 CHEVY 350 automatic, 49,000 miles, new 10-ply rubber, Excellent condition.
715-284-4955. 1978 BRONCO. V-8 automatic, 'locknuts, new paint and 2 sets of rubper. Excellent shape. 715-284-4955.
1979 CHEVY Scottsdale, New rubber, good condition. 507-482-6759. 1979 DODGE Lil' Red Express. 37,000 miles, good shape. (507) 724-3444, ask for Todd.
BED for pickup, 1975 Ford F150, excellent condition. 782-6175 after 4. CLASSIC 1955 Studebaker pickup. Like new. 6-cylinder, 3- speed transmission, completely restored with new tires.
507-493-5443. CONVERSION VAN: 1979 Ford. 44M, air, cruise, stereo, automatic, Captains chairs, sofa, etc. $7895. Phone 608-582-4290.
FOR SALE: 1970 C50 Chevy V-8 bulk bag feed truck with son auger and loading feed box. Runs. Hydraulic good. Asking $2500 or best offer. Contact Walt or Scott at Camp Douglas Farmer's Co-op, 608-427-3188.
FOR SALE: 1975 Chevy Heavy V- ton pickup. Good running condition. Asking $750. 507-498-5454. 1H 4000 semi tractor.
New 5-tone paint, aluminum cab, Fruehaut flat trailer. Excellent condition. 319-497-3282. JAY'S MOBILE HOME AND RV CENTER Close-out sale on '83 models. Sale prices on new motor homes.
5th wheels. travel trillers and tent campers. Good selection of used units in stock at close-out prices. Now taking orders on '84 models. JAY'S MOBILE HOME AND RV CENTER, EXIT NUMBER 2 OFF 1-90, NEXT TO LA CROSSE AIRPORT.
Phone 783-6631 for appointment and rental reservations. NOTICE Advertisers are requested to check the first appearance of Classified Ads for corrections. The Tribune will be responsible for only the first incorrect want ad insertion. Call The Hotline 782-0060 STEP VAN. 1978 Chevrolet.
Dison aluminum body. A-1 condition. Power steering, power brakes, 350 engine. New list price. $18.000 now only $7500.
Call 608-647-4146. Autos For Sale 126 Chevy Impala convertible. Power brakes, steering. top. Velour interior.
Must see. 995-7786 a.m. 247 CHEV Caprice 4-door metic. Clean. Good runner.
$350. 1431 Green Bay, 782-6144 after 3:30. BUICK LeSebre A-1 condition. 60.000 miles Air condi783-6076 or 788-3847. Mustang, pond body.
interior, frame rusted $395. Chrysler great. Interior 1500 or best offer. Call 526-4935. 8 EL CAMINO.
body same after noon 1 p.m. FORD Good Phone 70 DART. $150. 70 Satellite Sport. $725.
788-7426 7 LTD. Con be 1425 Mere IMPALA 1240. Rum Cal 71 TOYOTA. Gand Eco 13 CAMARO AN FM Fact GREM speed. 14 DART Autos For Sale 126 Cars, Trucks, Cycles.
Where's the best to buy and sell them? TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED 782-0060 Legal Notices ORDINANCE NO. 2793 AN ORDINANCE to repeal Section 2.15 and repeal and recreate Chapter VIII of the Code of Ordinances of City of La Crosse relating to the health officer and health code. THE COMMON COUNCIL of the City of La Crosse do ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Section 2.15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of La Crosse entitled, "Health Officer" is hereby repealed. SECTION I1: Chapter VIII of the Code of Ordinances of the City of La Crosse is hereby repealed and recreated to read: CHAPTER VIII DWELLING AND SANITARY REGULATIONS 8.01 REFUSE MATERIALS. (A) UNLAWFUL DEPOSIT.
No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in or on any public street, water, or grounds, or in any other place, any dead animal, rubbish, refuse, dirt, junk, filth, offal, or any substance that will tend to contaminate the area, or to create a noisome stench or nuisance, or to endanger public health. This section shall not apply to a sprinkling of clean sand upon icy sidewalks, nor to the deposit on the person's own premises of refuse containers for collection. (B) EMPTYING OF DRAINS AND WASTE MATERIAL. No person shall permit any drain, overflow of sewer from any building, shop, dwelling, pool or other structure to empty or run into or on any open sewer, gutter, street, alley or walk. (C) APPROVED CONTAINERS FOR REFUSE MATERIAL.
(1) The occupant of any singlefamily or duplex-type dwelling and the owner or operator of any multiple dwelling consisting of less than six living units shall provide for said premises adequate metal containers with tight-fitting covers and two handles for any and all miscellaneous wastes. Polyethylene refuse container liners having nominal gauge of 1.5 mills minimum with proper tie or closure may also be used. (2) Every occupant, tenant or person in possession of premise shall cause to be deposited in said container all refuse. Any material that is too large for the container may be piled neatly beside it, provided it is not easily scattered by the wind and has no offensive odor. (3) When garbage is included in the refuse it shall be securely wrapped in paper and it shall be deposited in a metal container.
Garbage may be placed into a polyethylene refuse can liner without wrapping provided this liner is placed in a metal container. (4) The owner or operator of any multiple dwelling consisting of six or more units shall be required to provide a dumpster or dumpsters of appropriate size as recommended by the Inspection Department for the deposit of refuse. Refuse deposited in said dumpsters shall be collected and picked up on weekly basis. (D) BUSINESS REFUSE. Every business establishment shall provide for the prompt removal and disposal of all refuse.
(E) PLACING OF APPROVED REFUSE CONTAINERS. The owners and occupant of every house, building, flat, apartment, tenement, or business establishment for which approved refuse containers for refuse are required shall store or keep such containers at least 18 inches above the ground on a secure stand, platform or frame, except on collection days, or 12 hours preceding, when such containers shall be upon the edge of tainers shall be upon the edge of the alley next adjoining said premises or if no alley, at an easily accessible place for removal of the contents. In lieu of a stand, platform or frame, a slab of concrete or similar approved material may serve as storage area, provided no problem with rodents or dogs develops. The placing of tied or closed refuse can liners at pick up locations on pick up days, or 12 hours preceding, is considered acceptable practice. (F) INTERFERENCE WITH REFUSE CONTAINERS.
No person other than the Director of Inspections, the collector employed or licensed by the city, the owner, occupant, or tenant of the premises, or their agent, shall deposit any article or thing in refuse containers, or shall remove, place, injure, deface, destroy, uncover, or disturb such containers or their contents. 8.02 OUTDOOR FOOD STANDS AND CONVEYANCES. (A) DEFINITION OF OUTDOOR FOOD STANDS AND CONVEYANCE. All retailers selling ice cream, ices, popcorn, fruits, vegetables, carmel apples, and confections. except those transacting business entirely inside a store building, also excepting restaurant licensees, state dairy plant licensees, state counter freezer licensees, and home delivery conveyances of grocery stores, of dairies, or of bakerles, also excepting farmers selling their own fruits and vegetables at the regularly established Farmers' Market, and also excepting nonprofit organizations that conduct such business only at occasional times.
(B) REGULATIONS. No person shall operate an outdoor food conveyance upon or in any public street, alley, sidewalk. public grounds or land dedicated to public use or in any part thereof except from 9:00 a.m. Saturday of Memorial Day weekend to 9:00 a.m. of October 31 of each year and only between the hours of 9:00 a.m.
and 9:00 p.m. daily. No person shall operate an outdoor food conveyance within a public park of the City unless authorized to do so or within 500 feet of any public park in which there is present a holder of a food vendor's permit from the Board of Park Commissioners of the City or a concession agreement with the City. 8.03 DWELLINGS. DEFINITIONS.
(1) Dwellings: Any building which is wholly or partly used or intended to be used for living or sleeping purposes by human occur pants. (2) Dwelling Unit: Any room group of rooms located with dwelling and forming a single itable unit, with facilities which used or intended to be used for ing sleeping, cooking and eating (3) Habitable Room: A room enclosed fipor space used or ded for living, sieeping, co*ckling purposes. Dwelling: One consdwelling (5) Rooming house possession Legal Notices Autos For Sale 126 '74 PLYMOUTH 2-door, V-8 3-speed. Runs good. $375.
895-4672. '75 CHEVY Monza, great body, good engine, clean. $900 or best offer. See at 208 So 9th, 784-6831. '75 MERCURY Bobcat engine.
Good condition. Some rust. $600. 782-7729 or 783-1895. '75 VW DASHER, new brakes and muffler.
Call 782-3221. '76 DODGE ASPEN, 4-door. Some rust. Excellent engine, newly replaced transmission. $1000.
322 W. Garland West Salem. 786-0283. '77 CUTLASS, V-6, good shape, 25 mpg. New battery, air, muffler system.
Stereo. $2675. 788-2009. '78 Chevy window van, automatic, power air, tilt, good shape. 716 Sumner St.
after 5. '78 FORD Fiesta. Good condition. cassette. Great gas mileage.
Best offer. 782-3793 or 788-0283. '78 IMPALA 4-door, air and cruise. Garage kept. 30,000 miles.
788-9294. '79 TRANS AM. Excellent. Red, black velour. 4-speed.
Chrome wheels. $5500. 783-2163. '80 Citation, like new, 34,000 mi. sunroof, cassette.
$4299. 784-6995, 608-647-2540. '80 CITATION. 4-cylinder 4-speed. Air, power steering, brakes; sport suspension, excellent.
784-0157. '80 Pontiac Phoenix. 2-door, automatic, power steering, air, 6-cylinder, 23 mpg, clean. 507-894-4837. 1957 CADILLAC Convertible, asking $550; 1960 Green Briar (Corvair van) $350.
782-4700. 1958 EDSEL Good body. First $450 takes it. 785-2864. 1959 CHEV Biscayne 2-door 6-stick.
Good condition. Smokes. $800 or best offer. 786-1160. 1967 4-DOOR MERCEDES DIESEL SEDAN.
PHONE 786-0520. 1967 PONTIAC Bonneville 4-door hardtop. 400 engine. $175 firm. 784-1863.
1969 FORD FALCON station wagon. 200 6-cylinder, automatic, power steering. Many new parts. $500 or best offer. 782-4886.
1971 Chrysler New Yorker. Runs good. Body fair. $300 or best offer. 783-1733.
1971 MERCURY. Mechanically reliable. Typical rust. Best offer. Call 788-4908.
1973 MARK IV. Good condition. Call 788-8549. 1973 NOVA. Runs good, $450.
782-9734 or 608-457-2508. 1973 VW convertible. New top. Excellent. $2495.
507-454-3185. 1974 CHEVROLET Caprice. $350. Call 782-2928 after 5 p.m. 1974 PLYMOUTH 4-door.
Good tires, good battery. $150. 783-7122. 1976 CORVETTE New silver paint. Loaded! Extra sharp! 507-542-4601 before 2:00 p.m.
1976 FORD LTD. $1600. New paint. Sharp car. Call 783-1445.
1977 BUICK REGAL. V-8 automatic, power windows, sun-roof, velour interior. 58,000 miles. Very good condition. $3500.
608-452-3952. 1977 CHEVETTE. 2-door, automatic, air conditioning. Good condition. Call Caledonia, 507-724-2754.
1977 FORD PINTO. 47,000 miles. Body in good condition. $1399 or best offer. Call 783-2203.
1977 FORD GRANADA, excellent shape throughout, $2,600 firm. 783-3275. 1977 PLYMOUTH Volare slant 6, 39,000 actual miles, excellent condition, no rust, $2700. 1971 Pontiac T-37, good shape, runs good, $600. 784-1614, anytime, for Steve.
1978 MERCURY Bobcat wagon. 000 miles, Excellent condition. $3600, warranty Included. 784-8950. 1979 CHEVY Malibu.
305, V-B, air conditioning, power brakes and steering, 2-door hard-top. 783-1169. 1979 CHRYSLER Lebaron station wagon. Air, cruise, V-8, 318 engine. 1-owner.
40,000 miles. 783-0817. 1979 FORMULA Firebird. T-top. 45,000 miles.
Power steering, brakes, windows; tilt wheel, cruise. Velour interior. 301 V-8 automatic. Excellent. $5200.
269-7984, 5-7 p.m. weekdays. 1979 LINCOLN Mark V. Metallic red. Fully equipped.
Low mileage. Call 784-9546 before 5. 1900 DATSUN 310 GX. Sunroof, air, 1-owner. Best offer.
Phone 895-2627, 1980 MERCURY BOBCAT. Low mileage, good condition. 781-7354 or 788-6795. 1981 PONTIAC T-1000. 35.000 miles.
excellent condition. $3700. Call 788-9718. 1981 TOYOTA Corolla, 4-door, deluxe, air, excellent condition. 788-9475.
1982 FORD ESCORT air conditioning, automatic. $5725. Call 9-5. 526-3325 ask for Bob. CONVERTIBLE, 1971 Dodge Chailenger.
Best offer. Call 408-526-9305 days: 507-895-2047 evenings. DATSUN. 77 2005X. Good condition.
Must see. $7295. 785-4251, DEALS ON WHEELS Includes: Motorcycles Trucks Automobiles Recreational Vehicles 3 lines 5 Days $5.00 CASH IN ADVANCE businesses) running. 1981 Chevy 4 cruise. Ressonably priced FOR ALE: 77 Comet, See en 00.
2502 Cass. FOR SALE: 1970 MG8 GT. needs 520-4420 FORD Gran 8575. Rear set for Man E. DEEP CIS Make often.
784-7402. JEEP CAT. SOLID OLDS Cutiese AM Cassette La Crosse 130 WEHRS CHEVROLET Cars and Trucks Service Hey. 162. Bangor, Wise.
784-5564 or 508-486-2321 average grade of adjoining ground. (14) Cellar: A portion of a building partly or wholly underground, with half or- more than half of it clear floor to ceiling height below the average grade of adjoining ground. (15) Hot Water: An adequate supply kept at a temperature of not less than F. (16) Ordinary Minimum Winter Conditions: The temperature above the lowest recorded temperature for the previous ten-year period. (B) PLUMBING, PLUMBING FIXTURES, RUBBISH, GARBAGE, AND ACCESS REQUIREMENTS.
(1) Each dwelling unit shall contain a kitchen sink with hot and cold running water, maintained in good sanitary working condition, and properly connected to a sewer system. (2) Each dwelling unit shall contain within a room which affords privacy, a flush water closet and lavatory basin with hot and cold running water, maintained in good working condition, and properly connected to a sewer system. (3) Each dwelling unit shall contain, within a room which affords privacy, a bathtub or shower with hot and cold running water, and properly connected to a sewer system. (4) Every toilet and bathroom shall have at least 14 sq. ft.
of floor space. This minimum figure may be adjusted upward by the Director of Inspection if additional or abovestandard size fixtures are to be installed. (5) Each dwelling or other building used for human habitation or other buildings where human beings are in need of sewer and water facilities, which is located upon or adiacent to any street in and also which sewer and water pipes have been laid, or which has reasonable access to sewer or water mains, shall be connected with the sewer and water systems; except that when a private well is in compliance with the Wisconsin Well Code, is adequate and safe, this supply may be continued in operation until such time as it is in need of repair. If the owner fails to comply with a notice in writing served upon him or his agent or tenant requiring him to connect with the public sewer or water within thirty (30) days, the Board of Public Works may cause a connection to be made and necessary fixtures to be installed and the cost shall be assessed as a special tax against the property. The owner may file within thirty (30) days a claim of inability to pay the amount in one and ask that the levy be made in five (5) equal installments with interest at six percent installments to be paid annually with the regular tax.
(6) The owners of all premises used for human habitation which are not located upon or adjacent to any street in and along which sewer and water pipes have been laid, or which have no reasonable access to sewer or water mains, must provide a septic tank-seepage pit system therefor, constructed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of this Code. All other privy vaults, cesspools, and dry wells shall be removed or abated, and the use thereof discontinued. (7) Every dwelling unit shall be supplied with adequate rubbish storage facilities conforming to Section 8.01 of this Code. (8) Every dwelling unit shall have adequate garbage disposal facilities or garbage containers conforming to section 8.01 of this Code. (9) Each dwelling unit shall have a safe, unobstructed means of egress to safe and open space on ground level.
(10) Entrance and exit doors to dwelling units shall be provided with operating locking devices. (C) HEAT, LIGHT AND LATION. (1) Every habitable room shall have at least one window or skylight which can easily be opened, or such other device as will adequately ventilate the room. The total openable window area in every habitable room, bathroom and water closet compartment shall be equal to at least forty-five percent of the minimum window area size or minimum skylight-type window size, as required by Section 8.04(D)(5) of this ordinance, except where there is supplied some other device affording adequate ventilation and approved by the Director of Inspections. (2) Every dwelling unit shall have heating facilities, properly installed and maintained in safe and good working condition.
All habitable rooms, bathrooms, and water closet compartments shall be maintained at a temperature of at least at a distance of three feet above floor level under ordinary minimum winter conditions. (3) Each public hall and stairway in every multiple dwelling containing five or more dwelling units shall be adequately lighted at all times. (4) During that portion of each year when the Director of Inspections deems it necessary for protection against insects, each outside door hall be supplied with screens and a self-closing device; and each outside window or other outside opening shall be supplied with screens. (5) Each basem*nt or cellar window used or intended to be used for ventilation and every other opening to a basem*nt or cellar which might provide an entry for rodents shall be supplied with a screen or such other device as will effectively prevent their entrance. (6) Every habitable room of such dwailing shall contain at least two separate floor or wall-type electric convenience outlets, or one such convenience outlet and one supplied ceiling-type electric light fixture; and every water closet compartment, bathroom, laundry room, furnace room, and public hall shall contain at least one supplied ceiling or wall-type electric light fixture.
Every such outlet and fixture shall be properly installed, and shall be maintained in good and safe ing condition, and shall be connected to the source of electric power in safe manner. New Installations shall comply with Chapter XVII of the Code. (D) SPACE REQUIREMENTS. (1) Each dwelling unit shall have at least 150 square feet of floor space for the first occupant, and at least 100 additional square feet of floor space for each additional cupant thereof. Floor space is to be calculated on the basis of total habtable room (2) in every dwelling unit of two more rooms each room occupled for sleeping purposes by one occupant shall have least 70 square feet of floor space and each room occupied for sleeping poses by more than one occupant shall contain at least fifty (50) square fioor space for each accupant (3) No dwelling or deelling unit containing more sleeping rooms 1 such room access to a closet compartment use by occupants sleeping room through sleeping each room is equal to at least minimum window area required each habitable room.
(c) Such required minimum window area is located entirely above grade of the ground adjoining such window area; and (d) The total of openable window area in each room is equal to least the minimum as required under this ordinance for each habitable room, except where there supplied some other device affording adequate ventilation and approved by the Director of Inspections. (E) MAINTENANCE. (1) Foundations, floors, walls, ceilings, and roofs shall be reason ably weather-tight, water-tight, and rodent-proof, shall be capable of affording privacy, and shall be kept in good repair. (2) Windows, exterior floors, and basem*nt hatchways shall be reasonably weather-tight, water-tight, and rodent-proof, and shall be kept in sound working condition and good repair. (3) Inside and outside stairs, porches, and appurtenances thereto shall be safe, capable of supporting the loads incidental to normal use, and shall be kept in sound condition and good repair.
(4) Plumbing fixtures and pipes shall be properly installed and maintained in good sanitary working condition, free from defects, leaks, and obstructions. (5) Water closet compartment, floor surfaces and bathroom floor surfaces shall be reasonably impervious to water and easy to clean. (6) No owner shall occupy or let to any other occupant any vacant dwelling unit unless it is clean, sanitary and fit for human occpancy. (7) Every supplied facility, piece of equipment, or utilty which is required under this ordinance shall be so constructed or installed that it will function safely and effective-ly, and shall be maintained in satisfactory working condition. (F) RESPONSIBILITIES (1) Owners of buildings containing two or more dwelling units shall be responsibile for maintaining in a clean and sanitary condition the shared or public areas of the building and premises.
(2) Occupants of dwellings or dwelling units shall keep in a clean and sanitary condition that part of the building and premises which they occupy and control. (3) Occupants of dwellings or dwelling units shall be responsible for hanging all screens and double or storm doors and storm windows whenever these are required under the provisions of this ordinance or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, except where the owner has agreed to supply such service. (4) Occupants of dwellings containing a single dwelling unit shall be responsible for the extermination of insects, rodents or other pests. The occupant of a dwelling unit in a dwelling containing more than one dwelling unit shall be responsible for the extermination of insects, rodents or other pests. The occupant of a dwelling unit in dwelling containing more than one dwelling unit shall be responsible for such extermination whenever his dwelling unit is the only one infested.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subsection, whenever infestation is caused by the failure of the owner to maintain a dwelling or premises in a ratproof or reasonably Insect-proof condition, extermination shall be the responsibility of the owner. Whenever infestation exists in two or more of the dwelling units in any dwelling, or in the shared or public parts of any dwelling containing two or more dwelling units, extermination shall be the responsiblity of the owner. (5) Occupants of dwelling units shall keep all plumbing fixtures therein clean and sanitary and shall be responsible for the exercise of reasonable care in their use and operation. (6) Every owner of any dwelling containing 3 or more dwelling units shall appoint, in the manner and form the Inspection Department prescribes, as agent, a person who is 18 years of age or over and a resident of La Crosse County, Wisconsin, and shall vest in the agent full authority and control of the building and premises, described in the appointing document, and of the conduct of all business on the premises relative to any and all regulations contained in this Code. The name, address and phone number of said agent shall be posted in the dwelling in a conspicious place.
Such appointment shall be made annually on or before January 1 of each year. (G) ROOMING HOUSES. (1) License. No person shall operate a rooming house as defined in Section 8.04(A)(5) without a license issued by the City. Applications shall be made to the Inspection Department on forms prepared by the Inspection Department.
The license fee shall be Twenty Dollars and such license shall expire on the 30th day of June of each year. Rooming house licenses shall not be transferable from person to person or place to place. Each premises or operating unit shall have a license. (2) Supsension of License. Whenever violations of this ordinance occurs, suspension of license shall be in accordance with Section 8.10 Enforcement and Penalties.
(3) Plumbing Facilities. At least one flush water closet, one lavatory basin, and one bathtub or shower, properly connected to a water or sewer system, approved by the Director of Inspections and in good working condition, shall be supplied for each eight persons or fraction thereof residing within the rooming house, including members of the operator's family whenever they share the use of said facilities: provided if rooms are let only to males, flush urinals may be substituted for not more than one-half the required number of water closets. All plumbing facilites shall be reasonably accessible from a common hail or passageway. Each lavoratory basin and bathtub or shower shall be supplied with hot and cold water at all times. No required plumbing facilities shall be located in a basem*nt except by written approval of the Director of Inspections after inspection.
(4) Linens and Bedding. The operator of each ramming house shall change supplied bed linens and towels at least once each week, and prior to the letting of any room to any occupant. The operator shall be responsible for the maintenance of all supplied bedding in a clean and sanitary manner. (5) Area of Sleeping Rooms. Each room occupied for sleeping purposes by one person shall have at least seventy (70) square feet of floor space.
Each room occupied for sleepig purposes by more tha one person shall contain at least fifty (50) square feet of floor space for each occupant thereof. (6) Egress. Each room shall have safe. unobstructed, egress to open space at ground level. (7) Sanitation.
The operator responsible for the sanitary maintenance wells. ceilings, and every other part of the rooming house premises. (HI DESIGNATION OF UNFIT DWELLINGS (1) Any or unit found to any of the following detects be condemned as for be so and placarded by Director (el One so for demning or placarding of a ing or dwelling unit as unfit human habitation may request, shall be granted a hearing in matter before the Director of spections. (6) Whenever the Director of at spections determines that a tion exists or has reasonable grounds to believe that there is been a violation of any provision this Section or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, shall give or cause to be given, notice of such violation or alleged violation to the person or persons responsible therefor, such notice shall be in writing including a scription of the real estate volved, including a statement of violations and corrective actions required and allowing a reasonable time for the performance of act required. Such notice shall served upon the owner, operator occupant as the case may require, and may be served by ordinary mail or in the manner provided the Wisconsin Statutes for the ice of summons.
Such notice contain an outline of remedial tion which if taken, will effect pliance with the provisions of Section and with rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. (7) Any person affected by notice or order relating to a dwelling or dwelling unit under provisions of this chapter may quest and shall be granted upon quest a hearing in the matter fore the Housing Appeals Board. (8) Whenever premises owned in whole or in part by a son outside the jurisdiction of City Municipal Court and such son fails to comply with an order the Inspection Department to der the premises more clean sanitary or to make certain repairs to the premises within a certain time, and it is the opinion of department that neighboring premises may be adversely affected, such department may contract have such cleaning, sanitizing, repair done, and shall certify costs thereof to the City Treasurer, which shall be added to the tax as a special tax on such property. (1) HOUSING APPEALS BOARD. There is hereby created a Housing Appeals Board to consist three (3) resident freeholders of City of La Crosse.
There shall be addition one (1) alternate member who shall act, with full power, when a member of the Board fuses to vote becuase of interest when a member is absent. members, including the alternate, shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by Common Council. The members who are first appointed shall be signated by the Mayor to serve following terms: One for one year; one for two (2) years; one for three (3) years. Thereafter, the term of office shall be for three (3) years. The alternate member shall be appointed for a term three (3) years.
A member or alternate shall hold his office until a successor has been appointed and qualified. The Director of Inspections shall arrange to provide clerical assistance as the Board may require. (J) HEARING OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD. Upon filing a written petition hearing in connection with any order or notice pursuant to this Section, or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, the person affected may request a hearing by filing a written petition on form provided therefor in the office the Director of Inspections. Such petition shall set forth a statement of the grounds therefor and be filed with the Director of Inspections within 20 days after the day which the notice or order was served.
The petition shall be accompanied by a fee of Ten Dollars Within ten (10) days after receipt of the petition, the Housing Appeals Baord shall set a time and place for such hearing and shall give the petitioner written notice thereof. At such hearing the petitioner shall be given an opportunity to be heard and show cause why such notice should be modified withdrawn. The hearing before the Housing Appeals Board shall commenced not later than thirty (30) days after the date on which the petition was filed; provided, that upon written application of the petitioner to the Housing Appeals Board, it may postpone the date the hearing for a reasonable time beyond such 30-day period, if in judgment the petitioner has submitted good and sufficient reason for such postponement. (K) HOUSING APPEALS BOARD TO SUSTAIN, MODIFY OR WITHDRAW NOTICES. After such hearing the Housing Appeals Board shall sustain, modify, or withdraw the notice, depending upon its finding as to whether the provisions of this Chapter and of the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto have been complied with.
The Housing Appeals Board may also modify any notice so as to authorize a variance from, the provisions of this chapter when because of special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter will result practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship; provided, that the spirit of this chpater will be observed, public health and welfare secured, and substantial justice done. If the Housing Appeals Board sustains modifies such notice, it shall deemed to be an order, and owner, operator or occupant, as the case may require, shall comply with all provisons of such order within a reasonable period of time, as determined by the said Housing Appeals Board. (L) COURT REVIEW. The procedings of any such hearing including the finding and decision of the Housing Appeals Board shall be reduced to writing and maintained as a matter of public record in its office. A copy of the written decisions of the Housing Appeals Board shall be mailed to the person who filed the petition.
Any person or persons jointly or severally aggrieved by the decision of the Housing Appeals Board, or any resident, or any officer, department, board or commission of the municipality, may seek relief therefrom by having the decision reviewed by the Circuit Court by certiorari, provided the petition for the writ is presented to the court within thirty (30) days after the date on which said Housing Appeals Board's decision was mailed to the person who filed the petition for hearing. Persons seeking such writ shall give notice of intention to do so by serving on the Housing Appeals Baord a written notice within ten (10) days of the date of mailing of the Housing Appeals Board's decision. The petition to the Court duly verified shall set forth that such decision is illegal in whole in part and does not comply with the provisions of Section (K) and shall specify the grounds thereof. 8.04 SEPTIC TANKS, SEEPAGE PITS, DRAIN FIELDS, SCAVENGERS. TA) SEPTIC TANKS, SEEPAGE PITS.
DRAIN FIELDS (1) No person shall construct a septic tank, seepage pit, or disposal field within the City without first having obtained a permit from director of Inspections. (2) No person shall build, or construct any seepage pit, septic or five (5) feet lot, (20) in (2) seepage septic tank is cleaned the must be disposed of in the pal disposal plant. 18) SCAVENGERS. 11) License No pire June 30th of each year. (2) Regulations.
(a) The regulations of the Department of Natural Resouces regarding equipment, procedures and activities of scavengers are hereby adopted by reference. (b) Dumping of the collectea waste material into the City of La Crosse Sanitary Sewer System shall be permitted only at the Wastewater Teatment Plant at the location designated by the Superintendent of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Dumping shall be permitted only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
(c) No vehicle or container loaded with waste materials shall stand overnight. Such an action is hereby declared a nuisance. (d) Materials dumped shall be of domestic origin only and shall comply with the provisions of Section 6.09 of the Municipal Code of the City of La Crosse. (e) There shall be no fee charged for the dumping of waste collected within the corporate limits of the City of La Crosse and dumped as herein provided. (f) The license holder shall complete in detail any and all forms giving such information as shall be requested by the Superintendent of the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
(C) CHARGES FOR DUMPING NON-CITY WASTES. (1) Fees. A licensed scavenger shall pay to the City of La Crosse the following fees for any wastes collected outside the La Crosse city limits and dumped into the La Crosse Sewer System, to-wit: $1.00 for each 100 gallons of waste with a mimimum fee for each load dumped of $6.00 (2) Permit required. Waste collected outside the City of La Crosse shall not be dumped within the City of La Crosse unless a permit has been secured by the township or governmental entity in which the waste originated. (D) DISPOSAL OF CITY WASTES No septic tanks, seepage pits, grease traps or liquid waste material collected outside the limits of the City of La Crosse shall be deposited into the sewer system of the City without a permit being issued to the governmental entity requiring such facilities.
Permit shall be issued as provided herein. (1) Permit Required. Government entities desiring to secure authorization for a scavenger to dump waste originating outside the limits of the City of La Crosse shall secure a permit from the Board of Public Works therefor. Such permit shall expire on June 30 the following year. The permit fee shall be established at Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per year payable upon application to the Board of Public Works for such permit.
(2) Regulations. Any scavenger removing wastes outside corporate limits of the city, to the City's facilities shall be licensed as a scavenger by the City of La Crosse. All provisions relating to the licensing of scavengers and disposal of waste, insofar as they apply, shall be applicable to waste collected outside the City of La Crosse. (E) MOTOR HOME OR TRAILER WASTES. Owners of motorhomes or travel trailers shall be authorized to dump wastes accumulated in such motor homes or trailers at a point designated by the Superintendent of the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
(F) EXCLUSIONS FROM LICENSING. No person collecting septic tank wastes and transporting same in his own vehicle licensed by the Department of Natural Resources, which wastes were accumulated in the City as a result of a business operation conducted by said person shall not be required to be licensed as a scavenger, but shall be required to pay the disposal fees herein provided. 8.05 CONTROL OF BLOWING SAND AND DIRT. No person shall deposit, pile or accumulate sand or dirt by dredging, excavating, bulldozing, digging, or dumping on private property without taking reasonable precautions to prevent the subsequent blowing of such dirt or sand on and over public streets and lands or private property. If, after the adoption of this Ordinance, exposure of such dirt or sand to the elements without sodding or covering shall extend for 60 days, during the ensuing 30 days as a "reasonable precaution" it shall be required that by seeding or fencing or some other effective means, blowing of the dirt or sand is prevented.
No person shall prevent, resist or interfere with the Inspection Department or any employee thereof in the entering of any premises or the carrying out of their duties. (B) PENALTIES. (1) Any person violating any provision of this Chapter, including those provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes or other materials which are incorporated by reference, shall suffer one or all of the following penalties: (a) Any license or permit issued pursuant to this Chapter or pursuant to Chapter 20 may be suspended by the Director of Inspections or revoked by the Board of Public Works, afer giving the permittee or licensee a hearing on notice. (b) Any license or permit issued pursuant to this Chapter or pursuant to Chapter 20 may be suspended or revoked by a court or competent jurisdiction upon conviction thereof. (c) Upon conviction thereof, shall forfeit not less than $20.00 nor more than $500.00 and the costs of prosecution, and in default of payment of such forfeiture and the costs of prosecution shail be imprisoned in the County Jail until payment such forfeiture and the costs of prosecution but not exceeding ninety (90) days for each violation.
Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. (2) Any person violating any state statute, state regulation or the order of a state agency, which statute, regulation or order perfains to health or safety, even though not incorporated herein by reference, shall suffer suspension or revocation of any license or permit issued pursuant to this Chapter or pursuant to Chapter 20, provided immediately above in secfion (1)(a) and (b). provided, ever, that in no case shall the forfeiture imposed for violation of any provision of this section exceed the maximum fine for the same oftense under the laws of the State of Wisconsin. SECTION Ill: This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. Patrick Zielke, Mayor Aubrey Kroner, Clerk Passed: Approved: Published: 17425 ONALASKA COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES July 12.
1983 The Common Council of the City of session on July 12. at PM with Mayor presiding. in roll Aspersion, business Ea Authorize City Engineer to advertise for bids for the sale of the Hill property. amend regarding Adopted Ordinance. 467-83 to utility Installation.
Grant mobile home park license for Villa Estates to Jack Edwards providing the conditions of his permit are met. Grant Coulee Trophy and Sport Baseball Team a Special Class Picnic License for August 6 7, 1983. Approved Melcher Certified Survey, but not sign it until all conditions have been met. Granted operator's licenses to: David Kolseth; Blair Hill. Denied concurrent vacations for City Assessor and Assistant Assessor.
Authorize City Clerk Mayor to sign Storm Sewer Agreement between Russell Pertzsch, Town of Medary and City of Onalaska. Motion to reconsider the Assessor and Ass't Assessor request to attend the Annual Assessor's convention in Wausau. Motion failed. Aldermen Schill, Pollert, Smick no. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Donald E. Huggett City Clerk 17424 ORDER LIMITING TIME FOR FILING CLAIMS (ON WAIVER) AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP State of Wisconsin, La Crosse Circuit Court, Probate Branch. In the matter of the estate of Hilda L. Smith, Deceased. A petition for administration of the estate and determination of heirship of Hilda L.
Smith, La Crosse County, Wisconsin, post office address 1821 Loomis Street, La Crosse, WI 54601, having been. filed; IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. Creditors' claims must be filed on or before October 13, 1983, or be barred; 2. Heirship will be determined and claims will be examined and adjusted on October 18, 1983, at the La Crosse County Courthouse, in La Crosse, Wisconsin, at the opening of Court or thereafter. Dated July 8, 1983 By the Court, Eugene A.
Toepel Circuit Judge Cameron, Nix, Collins Quillin, Ltd. Attorneys 1206 Caledonia Street La Crosse, WI 54601 17064 ORDIANCE NO. 2794 AN ORDINANCE to repeal and recreate Section 7.01(F) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of La Crosse relating to smoking and littering prohibited on transit vehicles and providing a penalty in connection therewith. THE COMON COUNCIL of the City of La Crosse do ordain as follows: SECTION Section 7.01(F) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of La Crosse is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: "(F) SMOKING AND LITTERING PROHIBITED ON TRANSIT VEHICLES. (1) No person shall smoke or light any cigarette, cigar, pipe or tobacco of any kind while in or riding upon any vehicle owned or operated by the City acting through its Municipal Transit Utility, (2) No person shall consume any alcoholic beverage of any kind while in or riding upon any vehicle owned or operated by the City acting through its Municipal Transit Utility.
(3) No person shall throw or deposit any type of debris or waste material in or upon any vehicle owned or operated by the City acting through its Municipal Transit Utility while in or riding upon the same." SECTION The penalty for violating any of the provisions of this section shall be that as contained in Section 7.09. SECTION Ill: This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. Patrick Zielke, Mayor Aubrey Kroner, Clerk Passed: Approved: Published: 17427 ORDINANCE NO. 2792 AN ORDINANCE to annex a parcel of land from the Town of Shelby to the City of La Crosse. (Margaret A.
Mitby) THE COMMON COUNCIL of the City of La Crosse do ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Proper petition having been presented to the Common. Council of the City of La Crosse praying for the annexation of the following territory, to-wit: See exhibit attached hereto but which is made a part hereof as though full set forth herein. to the City of La Crosse, Wisconsin, it is ordered that the described property be, and the same is hereby annexed to the City of La Crosse, Wisconsin, from the Town of Shelby, 'La Crosse County, Wisconsin, and it is further ordained that Section 1.01 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of, Crosse entitled "City is hereby amended to include the above-described property within the corporate limits of the City of La Crosse, Wisconsin. SECTION 11: Section 1.02 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of La Crosse entitled "Aldermanic Districts Boundaries" is hereby amended where required to include the above-described property within the 18th aldermanic district. SECTION Pursuant to the action of the City Plan Commission on May 31, 1983, the lands described in Exhibit shall be temporarily zoned as residential.
and all such zoning shall be on an interim basis, and only for such period of time as is necessary to amend the zoning ordinances of the City of La Crosse as prescribed in Section 62.73(7)(d) of the Wisconsin Statutes. SECTION IV: This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Patrick Zielke. Mayor Aubrey Kroner, Clerk Passed: Approved: Published: DESCRIPTION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF LA CROSSE FROM TOWN OF SHELBY Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 15 North, Range 7 West, Town of Shelby, La Crosse County. Wisconsin also being Part of Zieike Addition to the Town of Shelby and more particularly described as for.
lows: Beginning at a point on the Cen ferline of Oak Drive and the tended Northwesterly line of Lot 12 of said Zielke Addition; Thence South west along said Northwesterly fine and extended Northwesterly line. 162.95 1o Northwesterly corner of said Lot 12: Thence south 135.00 Feet to corner of Lot 11 of said fion; Thence North East the Southeasterly tended Southeast line Lot 11, 160.0 Feet to the of Oak Drive: Thence Norm West along said 120.01 Thence North 13 of Oak Drive 15.21 Feet to the Point of Containing less Desc. J.A.W W.L C. 540 EXHIBIT "A cess closet to 1 One Eve 11675 1706 1cl One lice 279 purchase Code a cost of face City BID ON EQUIPMENT bids La Crosse 10:00 A 13. 12 DUSTER SNOW County.